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pacc v0.3: Lexical details

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21.3 Lexical details

21.3.1 Comments and whitespace

Whitespace between grammar elements is optional, except when needed to avoid ambiguity. A comment may appear anywhere that whitespace can. Pacc understands both styles of C comment: ‘/* comment */’ and ‘// to end of line’ and also ‘# to end of line’.

21.3.2 Alternative characters

The left arrow that separates a rule (and optional type) from its definition can be written ‘’ (U+2190 LEFTWARDS ARROW), or ‘<-’ (ASCII less than, hyphen) or ‘=’ (ASCII equals).

The right arrow that separates a sequence from a value can be written ‘’ (U+2192 RIGHTWARDS ARROW), or ‘->’ (ASCII hyphen, greater than).

The slash that separates alternatives can be written ‘/’ (ASCII slash) or ‘|’ (ASCII vertical bar).

The empty sequence can be represented with ‘ε’ (U+03B5 GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON) or ‘%’ (ASCII percent). (It can also be simply omitted, although explicitly marking it aids readability.)

Last updated: 2016-08-03 21:39:50 UTC


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